Nepalโs Snow Leopard Project Hopes To Change Opinions
A new study in Nepal hopes to show predation of local livestock by snow leopards is less than first thought.
A new study in Nepal hopes to show predation of local livestock by snow leopards is less than first thought.
The Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council (NWSGC) hosted its biennial symposium in Whitefish, Montana this past month and Montana SCI Chapters brought in $2,125 proving themselves to be gracious hosts! The Big Sky Stateโs SCI Chapters are already known for contributing heavily to wild sheep and goat conservation. This sponsorship is another example of how …
Montana Chapters Donate Big at Northern Wild Sheep and Goat Council Biennial Symposium Read More ยป
Wildlife stewardship has become far more than a job opportunity as 1 out of every 10 Namibians belong to a communal conservancy.
One day we will all look back on the difficulties and achievements of the CAMPFIRE program and know this is a positive force in the world.
If all the beasts were gone, men would die from great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beast also happens to man.
“…the region was considered ground zero for rhino poaching. It was said that the life expectancy of a rhino was literally measured in hours.”
A bear is running at you at 30 mph, 44 feet per second, if it is 88 feet away, will be on you in 2 seconds flat. Bear spray takes roughly 2-5 seconds to deploy, and while it is roughly 92% effective. Firearms can be easier to use but are often slightly less effective than …
Motivating People, Managing Bears: The 5th International Human-Bear Conflicts Workshop Read More ยป
SCI Foundation is proud to contribute to the accurate survey of the African elephant while promoting responsible management decisions.
The New Year means new conservation projects here at SCI Foundation and new relationships with local SCI chapters from across the country and occasionally the world.