Hunter Legacy 100 Fund

What Is The Hunter Legacy 100 Fund?
The purpose of the Hunter Legacy 100 Fund is to generate the financial support from 100 major donors each contributing $100,000 to create a $10 million endowed fund. The endowment was created in support of approved SCI Foundation projects in the areas of World-Wide Conservation, Outdoor Education and Humanitarian Projects.
HLF 100 funds are invested in perpetuity as part of SCI Foundation’s Investment Portfolio, subject to the Investment and Spending Policies of SCI Foundation, with reports made on a regular basis to the members of the Hunter Legacy 100 Fund about the portfolio’s performance.
The Hunter Legacy 100 Fund is an endowed fund, meaning the principle remains permanently endowed with only a percentage of income being available each year to support approved SCI Foundation projects.
What Do You Need To Do To Become a Member?
Make a tax-deductible charitable donation to the Hunter Legacy 100 Fund totaling $100,000. The donation may be split into and up to four installments of $25,000 over four years or paid in a single lump sum. Donations may be made by check, credit card or transfer of securities.
How Is The Money Spent?
The Hunter Legacy 100 Fund donors appoint the Hunter Legacy 100 Fund Advisory Committee, which votes on those approved programs to be funded by the Hunter Legacy 100 Fund each year. At the time of making a donation to the Hunter Legacy 100 Fund, a Hunter Legacy 100 Fund donor may designate in which of the following areas annual expenditures from the endowment may be made:
- Wildlife Conservation
- Outdoor Education
- Humanitarian Services
- Greatest Need
Who Controls The Hunter Legacy 100 Fund?
The elected Hunter Legacy 100 Fund Advisory Committee is the group given the charge to review grant proposals meeting Hunter Legacy 100 Fund grant criteria and to determine the amounts to be funded to whichever grant proposals the Committee selects for funding. SCI Foundation staff assist the Committee by performing initial reviews of all grant proposals to ensure necessary materials have been received prior to the Committee’s review, by determining if each proposal presents and follows sound conservation, education and/or humanitarian services science and guidelines, as well as fits within SCI Foundation’s mission, and by being available to discuss the proposals with the Committee at the time of the Committee’s review.
What Are the Benefits of Becoming a Hunter Legacy 100 Fund Member?
- Knowing your gift will be invested wisely and used to fund approved projects in support of the SCI Foundation’s mission programs.
- Creating a lasting legacy that will be in place for generations to come.
- Being a unique member of those limited SCI Foundation major donors who have created the Hunter Legacy 100 Fund Endowment.
- Voting privileges to elect the Trustees on the Hunter Legacy 100 Advisory Committee and the opportunity to seek an appointment to the Committee.
When You Have A Paid SCI Convention Registration, As A Hunter Legacy 100 Fund Member You Also Receive:
- An invitation to the annual HLF 100/ Major Donor Luncheon Meeting to learn more about the results of HLF funded projects and SCI Foundation’s other programs and funding opportunities. (This includes you, your spouse and one guest.
- Access to the SCI Patron’s Lounge at Convention. (This includes you and your spouse and one guest.)
- Preferred VIP seating for you and your spouse at each SCI evening’s dinner and auction event at Convention for which you purchase tickets.
We are extremely grateful to the 100 members of the Hunter Legacy Fund for making such an important investment in SCI Foundation and the future of hunting.

Since 2000, SCI Foundation has provided more than $80 million to promote science-based conservation through wildlife research, capacity building in governments, youth and teacher education, and humanitarian programs that show the importance of the hunting community in society around the world. Growth of SCI Foundation has continued to gain momentum through charitable donations from SCIF and SCI members. Throughout the world, SCI’s approximately 50,000 members and 190 chapters contribute time, talent, and financial support to local, national, and international projects.