Sportsmen Against Hunger

Since the program’s inception in 1989, SCI Chapter members have organized community and statewide systems designed to help hunters annually share a portion of their wild game harvest with hungry people. This generosity provides millions of low-fat, low-cholesterol, preservative-free, high-protein meals annually at soup kitchens across the United States. Hunters, meat processors, food banks and soup kitchens are cooperating in most U.S. states, parts of Canada, and in several other countries around the world.


Days before SCI’s 48th Annual Convention, Gary Gearhart and Wayne Clark, Sportsmen Against Hunger Co-Chairs traveled to Reno and Las Vegas to participate in the annual, “Feed the Hungry” events. Salvation Army Reno and Salvation Army of Southern Nevada staff and volunteers host these special meals for local area homeless and low-income individuals including veterans.

Salvation Army Reno prepared 500 pounds of bison donated by hunters.  Sponsored by SCI Foundation and with the help of hundreds of volunteers, including youth volunteers from AACT (Academy of Arts, Careers & Technology) over one thousand meals were served. For the Reno meal, 1,020 hungry homeless lined up to receive this much needed meal.

Gary and Wayne worked months in advance with Chuck Frommer, third generation owner and operator of John Mull’s meats to collect 300 pounds of venison, deer meat donations harvested by local sportsmen in preparation of the event in Las Vegas.  The serving line was long with 695 hungry lining up to receive this high-quality high protein meal.  The homeless also received an SCI Foundation care package filled with basic necessities, including thick wool socks, beanie, a toiletry bag and a sweet treat at both events, thanks in part by the sponsorship of the Bell Family Blue Bags.

Everyone involved in making these worthwhile events appreciate the ability to pass on the tradition of sharing the harvest.  If you would like to support the Annual Sportsmen Against Hunger events as a volunteer or donor, please contact Kathy Butler, Humanitarian Services by email at

Game Meatloaf Recipe from the Salvation Army

Here is the recipe from Sous Chef and Assistant Dining Manager Jeremy Wood of the Salvation Army. These are large batches so they would need to be adjusted accordingly:

Game Meatloaf Recipe with Glaze (recipe feeds approximately 150 people depending on the size of portion)

50 lb Ground Wild Game meat

36 Large Eggs (2 qts)

1 Gallon Whole Milk

1 1/2 – 2 Gallons Seasoned Bread Crumbs (24-32 cups)

1 cup yellow mustard

6 cups Heinz Ketchup

1 cup Garlic Powder

1 1/2 cups kosher salt

1 cup ground black pepper

1/4 cup dried thyme

5 lb finely diced onion

1 cup Sriracha Hot Sauce (optional…..except totally worth it)

Place all ingredients in a large mixer with a dough hook and mix for 7 to 10 minutes, being careful not to over mix.

Shape into desired loaves and bake at 350 degrees until the internal temperature reaches 155 degrees.

Tell Us Your Sportsmen Against Hunger Story!

Don’t let your good deeds go unnoticed and help us tell the world the good things hunters are doing!  Hunters have been sharing their harvest with others since time began.  We welcome your personal story and photos.

Since 2000, SCI Foundation has provided more than $80 million to promote science-based conservation through wildlife research, capacity building in governments, youth and teacher education, and humanitarian programs that show the importance of the hunting community in society around the world. Growth of SCI Foundation has continued to gain momentum through charitable donations from SCIF and SCI members. Throughout the world, SCI’s approximately 50,000 members and 190 chapters contribute time, talent, and financial support to local, national, and international projects.


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Wildlife Conservation
Outdoor Education
Humanitarian Services

654 Richland Hills, Ste. 160 San Antonio, TX 78245