Curiosity Saves the Cat

Gathering information about the smallest feline species in the western United States can sometimes feel a bit like herding cats. As each state wildlife agency in the west is responsible for huge swaths of land, different survey and data collection techniques are often adopted. And, since bobcats exist in different ecosystems and are also managed differently …

Curiosity Saves the Cat

Motivating People, Managing Bears: The 5th International Human-Bear Conflicts Workshop

  A bear is running at you at 30 mph, 44 feet per second, if it is 88 feet away, will be on you in 2 seconds flat. Bear spray takes roughly 2-5 seconds to deploy, and while it is roughly 92% effective. Firearms can be easier to use but are often slightly less effective than …

Motivating People, Managing Bears: The 5th International Human-Bear Conflicts Workshop Read More ยป