This year, when the call went out to support AWLS, the Columbia Basin Chapter stepped up to show their support, providing a brand-new riding lawn mower. The American Wilderness Leadership School (AWLS), every year is supported by many contributions and donations given by SCI chapters and members through an AWLS wish list. This wish list or list of items AWLS needs to help support our conservation education program and facility is provided by the Sables at the annual spring and fall Board of Directors meetings and at the Sables luncheon at the SCI convention.
The items and donations given make a significant difference in allowing the AWLS program and facility to be able to provide an outstanding program for educators and a facility that is clean, safe, and aesthetically pleasing. One item on this year’s AWLS wish list was a new riding lawn mower. The one that was currently being used at AWLS was getting old and had experienced some major motor issues that required repair and cost. Knowing the mower was nearing the end of its life span, a request for a replacement was placed on the list. SCI’s Columbia Basin chapter saw the request and answered the call by donating a new John Deere zero turn 54” riding lawn mower to the AWLS facility to replace the old one. Doug Reimer, representative for the Columbia Basin chapter brought the new mower to this year’s AWLS work week and presented it to SCIF’s Assistant Director of Education Todd Roggenkamp, and AWLS caretaker Aaron Widom. No time was wasted in putting the new machine to use by cutting the grass for the first time in preparing the facility for the summer. The mower has since cut the grass several more times to keep AWLS looking in tip top shape.

The lawn mower donation was valued at $4,000 from the Columbia Basin chapter and comes when it is needed the most, as we prepare the facility for opening. SCIF wishes to thank the Columbia Basin chapter and all other donors and SCI chapters for their contributions to the AWLS facility and for their continued support of SCIF and its education programs. If anyone is interested in supporting the AWLS program by contributing through the AWLS wish list or greatest need, please contact SCIF Education Manager, Katie Robinson at KatieR@scifirstforhunters.org or SCIF Assistant Director of Education, Todd Roggenkamp at troggenkamp@scifirstforhunters.org 520-954-0664.