Almost 20 years ago, with incredible foresight, some of our concerned members and leaders saw a need to establish a fund to support our mission and that would live on for generations. That group struggled and worked diligently to gain the belief and trust of 100 individuals and couples.
Today, the Hunter Legacy 100 Fund (HLF 100) is made up of 100 major donors, each contributing $100,000 to create an endowed fund. This permanent endowment fund where the principal remains intact, uses the income generated from the fund to support approved projects benefiting wildlife conservation, outdoor education, and hunter-related humanitarian services.
The HLF 100 was created in 2004 and started awarding grants in 2006. Since 2006, the HLF 100 has awarded $7,701,633 to 138 worthy projects. The HLF 100 Endowment currently stands at $14.3 million.
As the HLF reached its 100-member mark, many of the members of it, along with the SCI Foundation Board saw an opportunity to continue their philanthropic giving and support the Mission of SCIF. As a result, today, many of the members of the HLF have been key in developing the incredibly successful Society of the Lion & Shield.
We’d like to express our heartfelt appreciation to the HLF 100, those who had the vision, and all its members for their years of support and dedication.