By Spencie Netschert, Sables President
Remembering Ginger Byrum, March 25, 1933 – November 6, 2020 – It is with great sadness that we say goodbye to SCI and Sables Life Member and Sables Past President, Ginger Byrum, who was a dedicated supporter of conservation education. Ginger joined SCI in 1979 and served as the 12th Sables President from 2009 to 2010. Her commitment to SCI and SCIF spans four decades serving on numerous committees in that time. Her passion for hunting and dedication to conservation education was inspiring to those who had the pleasure of working with her in SCI, SCIF and the many chapters she belonged to. Please keep her family and friends in your thoughts and prayers. In lieu of flowers, the family suggests that memorial contributions be made to the Safari Club International Foundation for Education Programs or a charity of your choice. Read full obituary here.
Volunteering to be part of Sables Leadership is a rewarding experience. That is what I have learned from dedicated members like Ginger and many others in the time that I have served as a Sables volunteer. We hold great fundraising events that benefit education ensuring we give the real story on conservation education, including the importance of proper game management and proper hunting as tool to help conservation of wild species. In memory of Ginger’s commitment to conservation education, I would like to encourage all Sables members to consider applying for our open Sables positions.
The Sables Elections and Governance Committees have worked to expand District Elector Election criteria. Now, Sables members who reside in each US region defined by Sables as Western, Mountain, Central or Eastern, or who live in the Canada region can run for one of the five respective District Elector positions. District Electors serve a 1-year term and are eligible to vote in the annual Sables elections. They are invited to attend Sables Governing Board and Steering Committee conference calls and meetings and are encouraged to join Sables committees. Becoming a Sables volunteer is a great way to meet people who are dedicated to preserving our hunting heritage through conservation education.
Sables elections for Officer, Director, Elector at Large and District Elector positions will be held on Friday, May 7, 2021 at the Sables Governing Board and Steering Committee Meeting during the SCI May Board Meeting hosted at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, VA. To run for one of the elected positions, please follow the Elections Timeline below and log in to www.SafariClub.org/MyAccount to access the Sables Election Manual where you will find candidate information, petition forms and required documents. For assistance, contact Kathy Butler by phone, 520-798-4890 Monday through Friday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Arizona Time or by email, Kbutler@safariclub.org.
Sables 2021-2022 Election Timeline:
Monday, March 15, 2021
Petitions and candidate forms must be postmarked and returned to the Director of Education for Officer, Director, Elector At Large and District Elector positions. No petitions will be accepted after the deadline.
Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Mail in ballots must be postmarked and returned to the Director of Education for Officer, Director, Elector At Large and District Elector positions. No mail in ballots will be accepted after the deadline.
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Online voting to cast ballots for Officer, Director, Elector at Large and District Elector positions opens.
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Online voting to cast ballots for Officer, Director, Elector at Large and District Elector positions ends.
Friday, May 7, 2021
In person voting and announcement of election results at the Sables Governing Board and Steering Committee Meeting, Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, VA.
Return all petitions, candidate forms and ballots to:
Director of Education
Safari Club Foundation
4800 West Gates Pass Rd
Tucson, AZ 85745
Phone: 520-620-1220
FAX: 520-618-3538