Sables Membership & Chapters - Committees


Sables Mission

To further the understanding of our outdoor heritage, including the positive role of hunting, through the creating and support of wildlife and conservation educational programs that are consistent with the educational mission and purposes of SCI and SCI Foundation.


โ€œAs the new Sablesโ€™ President, I am excited about and committed to recruiting younger women into our membership because Sables can provide the mentorship and guidance they need to become future leaders. Sables can also provide a space where women hunters and non-hunting women, who support our hunting lifestyle and education mission, can feel support from the sisterhood of hunters and those that support proper wildlife conservation.ย  As a woman hunter, I feel the Sables are an important aspect of my SCI Membership and know the Sables will provide a welcoming home to women hunters for manyย years to come.โ€

Susan Hayes โ€“ Sables President 2023-2024


How To Become A Member

There are three types of Sables membership:

  • 1-year Education Advocate โ€“ $10
  • 3-year Education Advocate โ€“ $25
  • Sables Lifetime Education Advocate โ€“ $100

Send your application to Armando Gutierrez at

SCI Chapter Sables Committees

Starting an SCI Chapter Sables Committee within a local SCI Chapter is a fantastic opportunity and effective way to engage with likeminded women.

Chapter Sables Committees are encouraged to collaborate with their SCI Chapter and members in all activities including raising funds for education programs and in making decisions about what education programs to support. Chapter Sables Committees are considered ambassadors to SCI Chapters in networking with education organizations within their communities. They make introductions between SCI and education organizations and facilitate program support. They promote education programs among SCI Chapter members and work to gain public recognition for SCI in its support for education programs.

Chapter Sables Representatives act as leaders of the Chapter Sables Committee of their SCI Chapter and as liaisons between their chapter Sables members and the SCI Sables Governing Board. A Chapter Sables Representative must be a member of the Safari Club International Sables and a member of SCI.

Sables Committee