Tricia Clary has been a 4th grade teacher at Mesa Elementary for over 10 years. She has dedicated herself to improving her student’s lives not only academically, but physically, and emotionally. Tricia is so deserving of this award not only for her achievements in conservation education, but for her role as a leader in her school, her school district, and her community.
Tricia attended the American Wilderness Leadership School over 4 years ago with a few of her colleagues. She came back from the Leadership School and proceeded to develop an Archery in the Schools program and an all-day outdoor event called “Ecology Day” for the whole school. Tricia wrote grants, solicited sponsorships and coordinated the first Ecology Day for grades K-6 and it was a huge success. She brings in volunteers and community partners to run stations that teach students about water, soil, agriculture, energy, wildlife and conservation. Ecology Day has become a staple for Mesa Elementary students and teachers, and Tricia has been able to give her students a broader understanding of the world they live in.
Tricia’s efforts in her classroom do not end there. She has helped each teacher from Mesa attend the American Wilderness Leadership School so that the entire staff is certified to teach Archery in the Schools. Tricia invites guest speakers into her classroom on a regular basis to enhance her students understanding about wildlife, natural resources, and conservation. Last year, Tricia spearheaded efforts to build an outdoor classroom at Mesa Elementary, and with help from parents and the community, Mesa Elementary now has an outdoor classroom to make learning about natural resources more accessible. She utilizes the Franklin Conservation District’s Salmon in the Classroom and Wheat Week programs and goes above and beyond to expound on each program so her students never receive the bare minimum…they receive the best and the most when it comes to hands-on learning.
Tricia brings so much to her teaching that many of her students reflect on her classroom as being their favorite! Parents appreciate the love and support she gives each of her students, and principal, Cara Morrill, says Tricia is an amazing teacher who is loved by staff, students, parents and the community. She is always looking for ways to give and to make Mesa Elementary a better place to be. We are lucky to have her on our teaching staff.