John Sholes, son (Jeff) daughter (Tracy and wife (Judy) spent a few days with the Arthur Rudman Family of Blaauwkrantz Safaris. John and Judy had been at the Rudman’s several times before and Jeff made his second visit. Tracy had never been to South Africa before. The National Capital Chapter has donated to the Palmiet school for several years. Unfortunately, on this most recent trip, the school was closed for the winter holiday. The Sholes family and National Capital Chapter, donated a number of chapter hats, shirts, candy/gum along with the Sholes financial donation. The Palmiet Rural school has about 60 students and because of Covid, the school was unable to hold their fund raising bazaar and all donations to the school are greatly appreciated.
Bell Family Blue Bag Program
Giving back to communities is an SCI/F family value. SafariCare Blue Bags are filled by chapters, individual members, church groups or even groups of schoolchildren or scouts. The contents may include medical, educational, and other relief supplies, or clothing and toys. The Blue Bag is taken to remote areas of the world by hunters who have planned hunts in these regions. The supplies are delivered directly to villages, clinics, orphanages and schools, doctors, caretakers and teachers to use with people in need. SCI and SCIF, like so many organizations, put forth enormous effort each year to help improve the quality of life throughout the world.
Tell Us Your Blue Bag Story!
Don’t let your good deeds go unnoticed and help us tell the world the good things hunters are doing! Hunters have been delivering their generosity for over 20 years through the SCIF SafariCare Bell Family Blue Bag Program and we welcome your personal story and photos.