Influencers and Ambassador Program

Banner photo courtesy Kristi Titus

Learn To Hunt for Social Media Influcencers

Through a generous donation from the Hunters Legacy Fund, SCIF will be providing members of the media the opportunity to experience a Learn to Hunt Program. The 5-day program is designed for social media influencers who have never participated in hunting.

Participants get the opportunity to learn about the integral role hunters play in conservation, shooting skills, field dressing, and hands-on hunting. A world class wild game chef will also teach the art of cooking wild game. Participants will be given a video created by a skilled videographer of their hunting experience to share on their social media channels.

Photo Credit:  DeAnn Roggenkamp
Photo Credit: DeAnn Roggenkamp

Contact For More Information

For additional information please contact:

Laurine Wolf
SCIF Director of Education and Humanitarian Services
520-542-3310 X255;