
Wrap-Up Report On CITES CoP18

As the 18th meeting of the CITES Conference of the Parties (CoP) enters the history books, a review of the meeting shows that the global wildlife trade conference hosted by Switzerland ended well for hunters despite some setbacks, the most obvious being the unnecessary listing of the giraffe on Appendix II. The joint team from SCI …

Wrap-Up Report On CITES CoP18

SCI Foundation Supported Research Improves African Lion Survey Methods

The most recent issue of the academic journal Global Ecology and Conservation highlights the latest information from SCIFโ€™s African lion research in Tanzania.ย  In a research effort led by Dr. Jerrold Belant at the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry, this project examines methods used to survey lion abundance in the …

SCI Foundation Supported Research Improves African Lion Survey Methods Read More ยป