Directors and Staff

Brian Welker

Welcome To SCI Foundation

Thanks to you and other donors like you, SCI Foundation has funded more than $80 million since 2000 to advance science-based conservation, expand our outdoor education programs and positively impact lives through our humanitarian service efforts worldwide. Help SCI Foundation continue its vital role to ensure the future of wildlife through conservation, education, and hunting, and its goal to become recognized as the leader in these efforts. Your philanthropic gifts are vital to our success in funding critical wildlife conservation and education programs. If you haven’t done so already, please join us in promoting sustainable-use wildlife conservation and expanding the reach and impact of our mission-based programs by making your tax-deductible donation to Safari Club International Foundation today.

Board of Directors

Brian Welker, President

Veronica M. Kosich, Corporate Secretary

John M. Colglazier, Corporate Treasurer

Dennis Anderson, Director

Jim Copper, Director

J.D. Crouch II, Director

Tyler D. Daniels, Director

Skip Donau, Director

Susan J. Hayes, Director

P.T. Henry, Director

Brad Jannenga, Director

Craig L. Kauffman, Director

Jeffrey Kimbell, Director

Michael J. Leonard, Director

Sven K. Lindquist, Director

Gregory Murtland, Director

Joseph R. Pedersen, Director

J. Holland Powell, Director

Sandra Sadler, Director

Steve Skold, Director

Richard “Buck” Woodruff, Director

Warren A. Sackman III, President Emeritus

Advisory Board

Angela Chapman Anderson, Advisor

Lee R. Anderson, Advisor

Armand Brachman, Advisor

Siri Campbell Fossel, Advisor

John Ferguson, Advisor

Scott Hutchison, Advisor

Keegan McCarthy, Advisor

Matt Muns, Advisor

Mark Peterson, Advisor

Jeff Rann, Advisor

Allen Robinson, Advisor

Mike Rogers, Sr., Advisor

Byron G. Sadler, Advisor

Robert J. Sergi, Jr., Advisor

J. Alain Smith, Advisor

Denise E. Welker, Advisor

Executive Administration

Laird Hamberlin, Chief Executive Officer


Jordan Hasler, Director of Development

Martin Fox, Major Gifts Manager

Matthew Taylor, Major Gifts Manager

Kimberly Byers, Development Specialist

Marketing and Communications

Kelsey Allison
Marketing and Communications Manager


Christopher E. Comer, Director of Conservation

Daniel Brooks, Conservation Program Manager

Maria Davidson, Large Carnivore Program Manager

Education & Humanitarian Services

Laurine Wolf, Director of Education and Humanitarian Services

Todd A. Roggenkamp, Assistant Director of Education

Morgan McDowell, Education Specialist

Since 2000, SCI Foundation has provided more than $80 million to promote science-based conservation through wildlife research, capacity building in governments, youth and teacher education, and humanitarian programs that show the importance of the hunting community in society around the world. Growth of SCI Foundation has continued to gain momentum through charitable donations from SCIF and SCI members. Throughout the world, SCI’s approximately 50,000 members and 190 chapters contribute time, talent, and financial support to local, national, and international projects.


Directors and Staff

How to Help

Make Your Donation
Monthly Giving
Estate/Planned Giving


Wildlife Conservation
Outdoor Education
Humanitarian Services

654 Richland Hills, Ste. 160 San Antonio, TX 78245