The Circle of Life and The Native American Fish and Wildlife Society
If all the beasts were gone, men would die from great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beast also happens to man.
If all the beasts were gone, men would die from great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beast also happens to man.
“…the region was considered ground zero for rhino poaching. It was said that the life expectancy of a rhino was literally measured in hours.”
In northern Pakistan, where rule of law is limited and most of the population lives in extremely rural areas, good governance goes a long way.
SCI Foundation is proud to maintain a working relationship with Indian Country by supporting local, grass-roots conservation efforts.
The 2018 SCI Convention once again brought together those who are passionate about hunting and conservation with stakeholders from across the world
“Tajikistan is also an example of how trophy hunting may be the best economic incentive to initiate wildlife conservation programs in some countries because it affords an immediate income with minimum investment.”
SCI Foundation is proud to contribute to the accurate survey of the African elephant while promoting responsible management decisions.
While booking your trip to Las Vegas to attend the 46th Annual SCI Convention, be sure to make room for the SCI Foundation events held on Tuesday before the official Convention opening!
“In this world today, the access to reliable sources of food that can be sustainably harvested is the dream of every single government.”